All of my fellow veterans, I'd like to talk to you today about a little used and often misunderstood VA benefit called VA pensions. VA pensions are a last line of defense safety net for low-income veterans. This means-tested program provides a baseline minimum income for any veteran that meets the eligibility requirements. The basic program entails the VA providing an overall income of $13,535 for the veteran themselves or the veteran and one dependent, typically the spouse. The VA takes into account the veteran's total income from all sources and deducts unreimbursed medical expenses. For example, if an older veteran with limited income is in a nursing home and most of their money goes towards covering that expense, the VA steps in and makes up the difference as long as the income is below the limit. Let's say the veteran's calculated income is $10,000 a year. The VA would increase that to match the upper limit, which is $13,535, resulting in an additional $3,535 over twelve monthly payments. This ensures that no veteran's overall income falls below the designated amount. However, the means test also considers the veteran's assets. To be eligible, the veteran's overall assets, including adjusted income after medical expenses and any other assets, cannot exceed $127,061 annually. Most individuals who qualify based on income probably don't have significant assets anyway. These are veterans who may be living at home alone, in an in-law department with family, in a nursing home, or in an assisted living facility. To be eligible for the program, the veteran must have served 90 days of active duty with at least one day during a designated wartime period as defined by the VA.
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Va Means Test threshold 2025 Form: What You Should Know
Veterans are eligible for VA medical benefits if the veteran meets either of the following: Dependents The VA health benefits may be awarded only to children and other relatives of the veteran (family members) whether they are the veteran's spouse, stepchildren, grandchildren, step grandchildren, legal wards, or other dependent relatives that the veteran has living with him or her outside the marriage. Dependents can be children of the veteran, stepchildren, or even step siblings. The dependents must be living with the veteran outside the marriage for at least one year. If the dependents living with the veteran do not meet the residency requirements described below, the dependents also must provide documentation of their residency. Families/Legal Spouses of Veterans The VA health benefits may be awarded to family or legal spouses (a legal spouse is a person to whom the veteran was married or in a registered domestic partnership immediately before the death of the veteran, including survivors). The Veteran must be living with his or her legal spouse and must have lived with him or her together, continuously and on an equal basis, for at least one year. A registered domestic partnership refers to relationships recognized under state and/or federal law. In some states, a divorce may grant a spouse of the surviving parent the right to receive benefits from the VA. An equivalent relationship for a retired veteran or a Veteran Disability Compensation Board (CDB) member that does not qualify for benefits from the VA may be one of “domicile.” Where two persons share a place of residence (typically one room in a home), a family is considered a residential unit and constitutes a “domicile.” For more details, see the Department of State Publication 60-206, U.S. Immigration and Nationality Laws: General Consideration, which may be online at the Department of State (). VA health benefits could also be awarded to relatives of the retired or disabled Veteran, such as dependent children or grandchildren. For more information, see Benefits for the spouses and children of Federal Employees at or How to Apply for VA Medical Benefits You will need a VA ID Number to apply on behalf of a Veteran for a VA health care claim.
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